Bollywood Hottest Actress Esha Gupta Twitter Account Hacked, If you have received some rather odd messages from Esha Gupta’s verified Twitter account today, beware! The actress revealed in a series of tweets that her account was hacked. However, from the looks of it, Esha Gupta has regained access to her account now.”Guys don’t open whatever dm you got from my account. Wasn’t me. #hacked” read one tweet. In another tweet, she wrote, “ACCOUNT HACKED.. please don’t open any link in your dm from my account. it’s a spam.”
On the work front, Actress Esha Gupta was last seen on the big screen in Milan Luthria’s Baadshaho, a heist drama set against the backdrop of 1975 Emergency. The film, which also featured Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi, Vidyut Jamwal, Ileana D’Cruz and Sanjay Mishra in pivotal roles, tanked at the box office after an impressive start. Currently, the actress has JP Dutta’s Paltan, Indra Kumar’s Total Dhamaal and an Iranian film titled Devil’s Daughter in the pipeline.