A model, an actress and former Miss India Ruhi Singh who made her Bollywood debut with Madhur Bhandarkar’s drama film The Calendar Girls, knows how to heat things up with her sensuous avatars. While Bollywood still waits for her next film announcement, the hottie is raising the temperatures on her social media. Ruhi Singh is blessed with an amazingly hot body.
There’s no denying that Ruhi Singh is one of the few actresses in Bollywood with a hot bikini body. The actress recently shared a raunchy photograph on her Instagram. The black and white photograph is pretty $exy. She captioned it as, “Don’t study me, darling, you won’t graduate. #zerofucksgiven.” She looks smoking hot! Doesn’t she, folks? She was last seen in a Tamil film titled Bongu crime thriller film Bongu, written and directed by Taj, in which she was paired opposite Natarajan Subramaniam.