Actress Anushka Shetty who got the face overall India through Bhabubali movie has Anushka Shetty To Quit Films Industry soon. Anushka Shetty subsequent to making her introduction with A King Nagarjuna’s Super Movie awed all with her bubby looks and delightful glamour treat. However, as the Super Film did not do well at the box office she did not get the expected recognition.
Later Sweety went on to star in some films before starring in Arundhati. From then on she never looked back and continuously showed her power in films till Baahubali. She is all set to entertain movie lovers with action horror thriller Bhaagamatie.
‘Actually, I planned to quit movies after Arundhati. I was a novice in acting when I met King Nagarjuna, Puri Jagannath, and Supriya. By God’s grace I reached this stage Anushka Shetty said recollecting the memories.
I even planned to run away from the industry by calling it quits during that time when I got a chance in Arundhati. I signed Arundhati to learn something new before resigning from films. However Arundhati’s victory changed my perception and films became an intergral part of her life, further added.