Nandamuri Balakrishna has been on cloud nine with the success of his recent outing Jai Simha. The film released during Sankranthi and has been declared as a blockbuster. KS Ravikumar directed the film and C Kalyan bankrolled this prestigious project. C Kalyan is also producing Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej’s next movie Intelligent which is slated for February release. Nandamuri Balakrishna will be releasing the Intelligent Movie Teaser tomorrow at 3.23 PM.
After the makers requested, Balakrishna gave his nod and the team of Intelligent has been left delighted. Intelligent is directed by VV Vinayak and the entire shoot has been wrapped up recently. Lavanya Tripathi is the female lead and the audio of Intelligent will be out during the end of this month. C Kalyan bankrolled the film and SS Thaman composed the tunes. Intelligent has been announced for February 9th release all over.