Jr NTR is going all out in preparing for his role in his next with director Trivikram Srinivas. Apparently, the actor-director duo decided to work on a total transformation.“Since they are teaming up for the first time, the expectations are obviously very high. A great deal is being said even before the film has gone on floors. And they surely do not want to disappoint,” shares a source in the know, adding that Jr NTR is concentrating a great deal to bring about a physical change.
“Jr NTR sure has become fit than the starting days. However, his last two films were such that he needed to look a bit burly and maintained that look. But now, he is taking excessive care about his diet and fitness regimen,” adds the source.The film is set to go on floors in January 2018 and it is to be seen if the actor has really worked towards a makeover, and how much of a change the audience will see.