TV actress Mahika Sharma celebrates her birthday on Thursday, and the diva took it as an opportunity to go bold for the very first time on Instagram. Mahika Sharma Flaunts Booty in Two-Piece Photos on Instagram Post. “It’s my #birthday and I’m going crazy. Wish me a good luck. Someone special coming. Birthdays are like that.. [sic],” Actress Mahika Sharma captioned the image.
Although it is not clear who Mahika Sharma is referring to as the “special” one, it appears that she was talking about British adult movie star Danny D. Mahika Sharma is set to make her Bollywood debut in “The Modern Culture” that also stars Danny. Moreover, Mahika Sharma 3 has been expressing her Bold attraction to the adult star with a number of bold statements. Earlier, she had openly claimed that she would not mind making out with Danny and had said the same for Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi as well.
This is the first time that Mahika Sharma has posted such a hot photo on Instagram. Her followers were taken aback after seeing her in such a bold avatar. Although some followers have passed vulgar comments on her picture, others criticised Mahika Sharma for “losing her culture.”