The Bollywood Actress Shilpa Shetty Husband Raj Kundra who owned Indian Premier League Team Rajasthan Royals has been involved in 2000 Crore Bitcoin Scam. His name is always alleged in relation of one or other scam. His team was banned for few years due to his betting scam. He is once again in the news for allegedly being involved in Rs 2000Cr Bitcoin Scam.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is currently questioning Raj Kundra related to the Bitcoin Scam worth $300 Million. His connection and association with GainBitcoin (GB) Miners owned by Amit Bharadwaj, has what landed him in this situation in the first place. Apart from these two, there are other cases on the businessman, one also involving his wife, Shilpa Shetty.